All the audio files are now in good quality mp3 format.
These Dhamma talks of Ajahn Maha Bua have been translated into English by the Thai Bhikkhu Ajahn Suchart.
Date |
Title |
Description |
Duration |
Size |
22 Jul 1962 |
The value of the Buddhist Religion |
The need for mindfulness and wisdom. |
44'42 |
18Mb |
18 Sep 1962 |
Respecting Dhamma as our teacher |
The middle way of practice. |
73'10 |
30Mb |
5 Dec 1966 |
Avijja hides the true citta, the true Dhamma |
Tan Ajahn responds to a question asked by a senior Bhikkhu concerning the Citta and Avijja. Avijja is different from the genuine Avijja. All techniques of investigation are actually investigating Avijja. The simile of catching a gang of bandits and the simile of catching fish in a pond. The genuine Avijja is luminous, bright and splendid, but when investigating it will dissolve and only Vimutti remains. Very detailed explanation of what Vimutti and Avijja are like. Two main stumbling blocks in the practice: identification with the body and identification with Avijja. |
75'51 |
31Mb |
1 Jan 1976 |
Freedom versus captivity |
Freedom versus captivity. The analogy of being imprisoned: we are born in prison and will die in it. We are complacent with it, because we do not know the world beyond. We are continually oppressed by our Kilesas. The simile of ducks in a mudhole. They enjoy their life, because they don't know the freedom of the ponds, lakes and seas. The way out of prison into the world beyond by the eightfold path. A detailed description of the Citta reaching Vimutti. |
85'30 |
35Mb |
17 Jan 1976 |
The five Khandhas. |
The way of understanding a talk on Dhamma: the calmer the Citta, the deeper will be the understanding. The need for investigation of the five Khandhas. Without investigation there will be no understanding of their true nature, hence no freedom. The need for Samadhi: even an Arahant needs to rest his Citta. The calmer the Citta, the deeper will be the understanding in one's investigation. |
58'17 |
24Mb |
20 Jan 1976 |
Endeavoring for Nibbana. |
The story of Khun P. Endeavoring for Nibbana. The Dhamma of the Lord. Investigation of the body. Release the Citta and realize Nibbana. The Citta of the Arahant. Sukha and Dukkha arise from thinking. Sanna, Sankhara and Vinnana. |
83'57 |
34Mb |
7 Feb 1976 |
'Amata - Imortal Dhamma' |
Amata - Imortal Dhamma |
58'34 |
24Mb |
12 Feb 1976 |
Becoming a recluse in our heart |
'Developing the Samana in the heart' or developing inner peace. |
67'24 |
28Mb |
1 Jun 1979 |
Don't give up your perseverance |
The Majjhima Patipada. The investigation of Dukkha Vedana. Varying the practice to suit the Kilesas. The importance of Sati. Do not blame your tendencies of character (vasana). The end of the battle. |
37'43 |
15Mb |
5 Jun 1979 |
The method of how to practice in the beginning |
Being careful of contact while living in the community. Correcting Vinaya errors. Having Metta for each other. The power of the Kilesas. Sati and Panna. On fasting. Calming the Citta. The consequences of not being calm. Investigation of Dukkha Vedana and death. The four path moments. The story of Bodhirakkhita. |
78'09 |
32Mb |
10 Jun 1979 |
Being misguided by the deception of the kilesas |
The false teachers of Dhamma. How the Kilesas prevent progress and calm. Determination to attain the state of freedom. Stories of some Ajahns. The value of the teacher. The 84,000 Dhammas. Commitment in the practice. Tan Ajahn talks about his own practice. Samadhi as the support for Panna. Addiction to Samadhi and Panna are different. Letting Dhammas progressively go. Resting the tired Citta. Avijja. There is no Vedana in the Arahant's Citta. The desirability of Majjhima as to counter the Kilesas. The Vihara Dhamma of the Arahant. |
80'01 |
33Mb |
13 Jun 1979 |
How do the disciples of the Lord Buddha practice |
The world that is burning. The Four Noble Truths. Bhikkhus in the present take up the robe as a ceremony. About Sanna and Sankhara. |
87'12 |
36Mb |
22 Jun 1979 |
Find a way to escape |
Calming the Citta with Panna. The story of the 1000 Cula Panthakas. Majjhima to counter the Kilesas. The merging of Magga and Phala. Arahatta Phala is the same as Nibbana. 4 paths, 4 fruits and 1 Nibbana. |
47'22 |
19Mb |
27 Jun 1979 |
Take up the model of someone who sees the danger |
Warning for bhikkhus doing building work. On laziness. Tan Ajahn protects the bhikkhus from the laity. Criticism of the Sasana as the opiate of the masses. Four Satipatthanas. Sanna and Sankhara. The passing away of the Arahant, what it means. |
61'17 |
25Mb |
12 Jul 1979 |
Cornering yourself develops wisdom |
The Ovada Patimokha. Investigation and the importance of Sati. The four Iddhipada. Lack of Sati likened to a madman. Contemplation of the body. The truth of bodily Dukkha. |
68'3 |
28Mb |
18 Jul 1979 |
Experience dukkha in order to win |
The way the Citta constructs and creates and how to stop it. Talk on Sati. Developing Panna. Panna turns into Uddhacca. Mahasati and Mahapanna. Samadhi by itself is not enough. Ways of investigation. Don't mix Samadhi and Panna. Getting rid of drowsiness. Story of Ven. Sona. Alternating Samadhi and Panna. The free (vimutti) Citta is like space. Avijja. |
82'45 |
34Mb |
23 Jul 1979 |
Beeing carefully and composed to protect the heart |
Looking always at the heart. Asubha Kammatthana. The luminous Citta is Avijja. The calming of the Citta with Samadhi or Panna. Three kinds of emptiness. |
86'13 |
35Mb |
4 Aug 1979 |
The heart has two owners, kilessa and Dhamma |
Dukkha and Dukkha-Vedana. Wealthy people going forth. The Sallekha Dhamma. Seclusion and contentment with little. Viriya. The 'gnawing' of the Kilesas. Uddhacca. The merging of Arahatta Magga and Phala. |
78'40 |
32Mb |
9 Aug 1979 |
Truth and falsity reside within us |
Dukkha, the five Kammatthana. Getting the Citta calm. The importance of understanding before going out teaching. Ways of listening to a Desana. Sankhara and Sanna. The arising and passing away of the Khandhas of the Arahant. The Citta of the Arahant as 'knowingness' embracing the universe. The passing away of Sariputta and Mogallana. |
89'13 |
37Mb |
15 Aug 1979 |
The kind of work that comes to an end |
The difference between study and practice. Ineffective practice. Forcing the Citta to be calm. The ways of Samadhi and Panna. General talk on practice. About death. |
75'05 |
31Mb |
21 Aug 1979 |
Keep looking for the truth |
Kilesas as disturbances. Living in seclusion. Continuous rebirth is due to the Kilesas. Avijja. The Khandhas of the Arahant. The deception of skin. Asubha. The five Kammatthana. |
48'26 |
20Mb |
28 Aug 1979 |
Attainment through practice |
The story of Ven. Anna Kondanna. The impurities that cover the Citta. Wrong perception of beauty. Patikkula Sanna. The four Iddhipada. Speculation about Nibbana. The practice of letting go. |
54'24 |
22Mb |
5 Sep 1979 |
The perfect example |
The Lord Buddha. The purpose of going forth. The four Iddhipada. The fire of the Kilesas. Developing Samadhi. Investigation of the body. The four Nama Khandha. Dealing with Avijja. |
86'12 |
35Mb |
10 Sep 1979 |
The end of conventional reality |
Watching the Cetasika Dhamma. The Dukkha of the body. The importance of Sati. Mahasati and Mahapanna. Kama Tanha, Bhava Tanha and Vibhava Tanha. Letting go of the body. Investigation of all types of Vedana. Letting go of the Nama Dhamma. |
70'12 |
29Mb |
18 Sep 1979 |
Magga, phala and nibbana are always present in the citta |
The four requisites. Living in the forest, The Dukkha caused by Avijja. The four Satipatthana. Asubha Kammatthana. Investigation of the body. The Vihara Dhamma of the Arahant. The passing away of the Lord Buddha. The Vimutti Citta. |
78'21 |
32Mb |
13 Oct 1979 |
Following the principles of the four Noble Truths |
Exposition on the Buddha. Deficiencies in practice. The Savakas. Cause and effect in practice. The Sacca Dhammas in detail. Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha and Magga. The eight factors of Magga in detail. Right speech as the ten-fold Sallekha Dhamma. Making Sankhara go in the way of Magga. |
51'49 |
21Mb |
19 Oct 1979 |
When we find the truth we reach Dhamma |
Memory of Dhamma is not enough. The four noble truths. The difficulty of training human beings. Recollection of the triple gem in times of danger. The Kilesas as the guardians over the heart. The state of the Khandhas, that is free from Kilesas. About practice in general. The importance of avoiding conflict in the monastery. The evil of exhibiting one's virtue. |
50'00 |
21Mb |
7 Nov 1979 |
The power of the citta is stronger than the power of the world |
The importance of correct behavior and getting on with each other. Enduring the Dukkha that arises from practice. The functions of Sati. Two kinds of Samadhi. Ways of Panna. Resting the tired Citta. Replacing the Kilesas with Dhamma. Dukkha. Tan Ajahn talks about his own practice. |
74'13 |
30Mb |
These short talks on Dhamma were given to laypeople when Ajahn Maha Bua visited the Dhammapadipa Vihara in London in June 1974. They were translated into English for the listeners by Ajahn Pannavaddho, and were subsequently transcribed as a book – The Dhamma Teaching of Ãcariya Mahã Bua in London – available from our Book section.
Date |
Title |
Duration |
Size |
9 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
6'15 |
3Mb |
10 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
2'32 |
1Mb |
17 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
10'55 |
4Mb |
18 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
4'54 |
2Mb |
19 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
11'48 |
5Mb |
20 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
10'10 |
4Mb |
21 Jun 1974 |
Dhamma talk in London vihara |
11'26 |
4Mb |
10 Dec 1976 |
Conversation with A. Sumedho |
8'39 |
3Mb |