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A short Biography of Venerable Acharn Maha Bua Nanasampanno

Table of contents

Family Background ...7
Childhood ...7

Education ...9
Character ...9

Reason for Ordination ...11
Entering the Monkhood ...11

Despite Studying Buddhism,
he did not neglect to practice
meditation. ...12

Practicing seriously and putting his life at stake for Dhamma ...17
Meeting with Than Ajahn Mun..18
No more suspicions about magga, phala, and nibbãna.. 19

Discontent because of deterioration of his citta ...21
Practicing diligently and medita-ting through the night ...22
Addiction to Samãdhi for Five Years ...23

Enjoying Investigation ...24
Investigation to overcome Sexual Desire ...24
Great Sati and Great Paññã ...25

Destroying Avijjã and the Cycle of Rebirth ...27
After training himself, he trained others... 31